If you are trying to make money online and have not had success so far because you do not have the funds to continue buying traffic to send to your offer then you need to know about Self Liquidating Offers.
Specifically, you need to know that they can change everything about how you are marketing. They can quite literally set you free to drive as much traffic as you want! So do you want to learn more? then read on…
So What Exactly is a Self Liquidating Offer?
A self liquidating offer is a low cost product that you sell to cold traffic.
It is the first thing you offer people who respond to your advertising.
Cold traffic simply means strangers.
They don’t know you. They are responding to an ad you placed or a link you placed online. They are curious and nothing more.
The goal of a self liquidating offer is to help you recover your ad costs immediately.
When you do that, you can re-invest more money into more advertising.
This can work for anyone! More on that below.
For now, let’s see what it looks like for an affiliate marketer.
- You find a product you want to promote and need to drive traffic.
- You buy an ad to drive traffic and make affiliate sales.
- Instead of sending this traffic directly to the affiliate sales page, you send them to your own squeeze page where they can get a high quality gift for subscribing.
- They subscribe and you send them to your low-cost offer instead of immediately sending them to the affiliate sales page.
- They buy your low-cost offer. The thank you page you show them after they buy is the affiliate sales page!
The results of using this process, instead of driving traffic directly to the affiliate offer, are stunning.
- You build your list.
- You recover your ad costs immediately.
- You create a new customer for yourself.
- You still promote the affiliate product so you can earn commissions.
This is absolutely the best process to make sales online!
Why you should use a Self Liquidating Offer
The reason to use a self liquidating offer (also called SLO) is simple.
With the right SLO you will never pay for advertising again!
Let me explain.
A Self Liquidating Offer is designed to help you recover your ad costs immediately.
And that means a huge problem is solved … especially for affiliate marketers.
The problem is cash flow. And it’s a problem that can literally put you out of business.
Here is the typical problem
- You place an ad and drive traffic to the sales letter for the product you are promoting.
- People respond to your ad and buy the product you are promoting.
- You get paid a commission after the refund period, typically 75 days after the sale.
- You have to wait up to 75 days to get ANY money back from your ad buy.
- You can’t afford to keep buying ads and not getting paid, so you stop promoting.
This is a horrible pattern, one that many affiliate marketers are trapped in.
Product owners are not immune either. And coaches, consultants, and other service providers suffer too.
The answer is a Self Liquidating Offer funnel!
So who can use a Self Liquidating Offer?
The good news about Self Liquidating Offers (also called SLO) is that literally anyone can use them.
And I do mean anyone. I have not found a business yet that can’t be helped by using a SLO to sell more and do so without busting their budget for advertising.
Just look at who can (and does) use a Self Liquidating Offer to sell more at almost zero cost.
- Product owners can use it as a way to drive massive amounts of traffic.
- Affiliate marketers can use it to recover ad costs quickly so they can keep promoting.
- Lead Generation providers can use it to generate no-cost leads they can then sell.
- CPA marketers can use it to send massive amounts of traffic to their CPA offers.
- Advertising sellers can use it to build massive lists quickly and then sell solo ads to that list.
- Coaches can use it to both recover advertising costs AND begin to nurture potential clients.
- Consultants can use it to recover ad costs AND explain their services in a non-salesy way.
- E-commerce sellers (like Amazon stores) can use it to drive large numbers of people to their store AND identify interests.
If you are interested in building a SLO funnel contact us here at Anndan Media